Cloud vs VPS in 2024 【Which is Better?】

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In the age of modern web hosting, it is a tough job to opt for optimal hosting services. There are countless cloud VPS hosting service providers, and there are multiple types of services to choose from. We want to keep the expenditure to a minimum and get the best possible benefits for our kind of web applications.

Cloud hosting vs VPS is one of the most asked comparisons because of their similarities. If you are one of those people who cannot choose between VPS or cloud hosting, you have come to the right place as we are here to give you are detailed cloud vs VPS review. So let us fully understand what cloud hosting vs VPS hosting is.

Cloud Hosting – What is it?

cloud hosting vs VPS

Your web applications are not deployed on a single dedicated server in cloud hosting. Instead, they are hosted on a network of virtual and physical servers forming a cloud. If we look at the cloud hosting vs VPS comparison, Cloud hosting has its perks and disadvantages. Let us look at its advantages first. Firstly, since your websites are not deployed on a single dedicated server, your application has greater flexibility for scaling. You can increase or decrease the number of resources that you need for your web application as you go.

Great Uptime:

Secondly, in terms of cloud hosting vs web hosting, it is more reliable. Since your applications are not hosted on a single server, any hardware failure does not cause downtime. The traffic coming to your website travels through multiple different network interfaces, which ensures that your application is up and running at all times. If we compare VPS vs cloud performance, cloud hosting beats it in terms of uptime.


In the cloud hosting vs VPS comparison, the third and the best feature of cloud hosting is that it features a pay-as-you-go model. You only have to pay for the resources that you use, and you can always increase or decrease them according to your needs. You do not have to go for a long-term plan. In a long-term hosting plan, your resources are wasted if there is not enough traffic, and you have to pay for the extra wasted resources. But in the case of cloud hosting, that is not the case.

Also, read about our article on the best cloud hosting for startups. 


Cyber Attack

Now that we have discussed the three significant advantages of cloud hosting let’s talk about some of the considerations that you have to consider before going for it. The first issue with cloud hosting is that it is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and your applications are more prone to data theft and cyber attacks when hosted on a cloud server.

Well, no device with an internet connection is secured at all times, and everyone can face security breaches. That is why more significant organizations that deal with sensitive information ensure maximum security at the hardware level by separating their data from the other. It would be best to do your research before choosing your cloud hosting provider. Please make sure that they are reliable, have a good reputation, and their terms of service are reliable.

DDoS Attacks:

DDoS attacks

Secondly, in terms of both cloud hosting vs web hosting, DDoS attacks are quite a nuisance. It does not mean that you will not face any difficulty with the uptime of your application if you have deployed it on a cloud server. Problem-solving in cloud-based hosting is also complex and takes time as the network itself is pretty complicated. Moreover, the latency provided by cloud hosting is not the best. It works for most web applications, but if you want to deploy a latency-oriented web application, cloud hosting might not be the best choice for you.

There is another factor why people tend to go for other hosting services. That is because many underlying expenses come into light after the deal has been closed, and you end up paying way more than you have expected. This mostly depends on which hosting provider you have chosen for hosting your web application so do your research before choosing your best option.

VPS Hosting – Its Perks and Disadvantages

VPS hosting vs Cloud

VPS hosting is a hosting service in which you get your virtual private server. It uses virtualization technology to dedicate some part of the resources of a physical server to each web application. A physical server can have multiple users, but some of its resources are dedicated to each user making various virtual servers. This is the basic or theoretical implementation of VPS hosting.

Stable Hosting:

VPS is much more stable and secure as compared to shared hosting and it is cheaper as compared to renting an entire dedicated server to yourself. This type of hosting is most suitable for applications with a mediocre amount of traffic. Applications that are still in the beginning stages but they require more resources than what a shared hosting service can provide use this type of hosting service. Just like any other hosting service, VPS has its own pros and cons as well.


The first advantage of VPS hosting is that it is very cost-efficient. Shared hosting is cheap but it is not as secure or stable as compared to a dedicated server. Now dedicated servers are quite expensive and VPS provides a middle-ground for you. You do not have to pay a huge amount of money for a dedicated server and you can still enjoy its services on a smaller virtual private server.


Secondly, VPS hosting is very easily scalable. Think of it as an apartment within a huge building. You have your own private space (apartment) within a building (server) which is shared by many users. You can always add more resources to your plan which makes scaling your application quite easy. This is the major difference in VPS vs cloud servers. Thirdly, it has much better latency as compared to shared hosting services. If you want your website to load fast and serve requests at a great speed, VPS is your go-to.

Also, take a look at our article on Google Cloud Alternatives in 2024.

What is VPS cloud hosting/Cloud hosting vs Normal VPS:

You might have often heard the term VPS cloud hosting so what is it? Some hosting providers are providing their users with cloud VPS hosting. Cloud VPS hosting means that they are offering services of VPS hosting on a cloud server. You should also take a look at that. In terms of a normal VPS, it is just a normal physical server that is virtualized.

Limitations – VPS vs Dedicated Server:

Now let’s talk about some of the disadvantages of VPS hosting. The first thing that you have to keep in mind while choosing VPS hosting is that it also has its limits. You can scale your website easily but there is a limit to that. If you reach that limit, you will have to upgrade to a dedicated server. Secondly, while it is more secure as compared to shared hosting, it is still less secure as compared to a dedicated server. In a dedicated server, you are not sharing anything with other users. While on a VPS hosting plan, you only have control of the resources that you are assigned.

Cloud Hosting VS VPS – Which is better?

If you want reliable hosting and great uptime for your web application between cloud vs VPS, cloud hosting stands out. This is because cloud hosting is not bound to a single server. It is a cluster of multiple servers combined together to form a cloud. If one server crashes, a second server is there to serve the request of your user. It is the same in the case of scalability. If one server is at its limit, another server can instantly make up for it. While in the case of VPS hosting, that is not the case. So, in the case of cloud hosting vs shared hosting, cloud hosting stands out.

When it comes to VPS and cloud hosting, VPS hosting is chosen by users who only want to deploy a simple website. Even then, the uptime is not ensured as the whole server can crash if it is at its limits. So in the case of cloud vs VPS hosting, cloud hosting is a more suitable solution. You can also try out cloud VPS hosting which is a combination of the two. If you are confused between cloud vs VPS vs dedicated server hosting, then dedicated hosting is the best choice but it is also much more expensive.

Here is a video to give you a more detailed review of VPS and cloud hosting.